50th Anniversary - Newsletter #2


50th Anniversary 2024

  Newsletter #2  Signing up and registration

   Latest news:  dogs are allowed on Rally field

Interne link

Rhenen, 1st of March 2024

Dear Morris Minor friends,

In this newsletter, the second one regarding the 50th Anniversary of the Dutch Morris Minor club, we would like to inform you about the contents of our Anniversary program this year. You can now make your entry final by registering as described below.

The anniversary weekend: September 6th,7th and 8th

We will pitch our tents at Camping Betuwestrand in Beesd, The Netherlands.

The site will be open to us from Friday afternoon, September 6th, 2 p.m. Event signage will direct you to the Rally Field. Tents, caravans and campers can be pitched here. Contrary to previous reporting in Newsletter 1, dogs are now allowed here.  Electrical connections and a water point have been installed for us.

To date, 50 Dutch members have registered by preliminary registration with an estimated 25 Morris cars. About 40 Morris enthusiasts from England/UK have registered and 4 from Denmark.

A number of members will use the rental facilities of the campsite: mobile home, chalet and villa tents. You can read more about this in Newsletter #1 https://www.morrisminorclub.nl/50-jarig-jubileum-2023.

If you wish to use the rental facilities you must register and pay to the campsite in advance. You will receive a specially reduced rate. This offer is valid until March 11, 2024.

This is why you can only make your camping reservation by telephone to the campsite office, stating: Morris anniversary weekend September 6th, 7th, 8th, 2024: +31 (0) 345 681 503.

To participate in the Anniversary weekend

You can register via the registration form on the website: https://www.morrisminorclub.nl/50-years-celebration

You can enter your details and choices in the blue boxes. The form automatically calculates your totals.

You can also print and complete the form by hand, but then you must also remember to total your ammounts and scan the form.

You can then email your completed form to jubileum@morrisminorclub.nl

You will receive an invoice and after payment you will receive the final registration.

For manual completion, you will find the form attached to this newsletter.

Explanation of registration form and program:

Friday afternoon from 2 p.m.: Welcome to the event.

On the Friday evening there is a snack cart where you can get fries, snacks and a drink. There will be a BBQ on Saturday including drinks. Please indicate on the form whether you have any intolerances or dietary requirements. These will then be taken into account.

You can also order breakfast and packed lunch for Saturday and Sunday.

There is a shop at the campsite that takes care of this for us. You can also buy other products and food items there.

You can also order the Anniversary Polo shirt. We have these made to order, so that we can use our financial resources effectively and sustainably.

There are two runs on Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

On Saturday we drive Back to '74!, to re-enact the Inaugural founding Run of the club on September 29, 1974. This will take you past Vianen, the club's founding place, Gorinchem, and finally back to the campsite.

On Sunday afternoon there will be a shorter final run with a photo event, as a farewell.

Club contribution

The club has reserved funds for our anniversary. We use this to fund the various activities and limit the cost to the entrants. This is how we can offer participation in the Anniversary Weekend at €75.00 per participant. The club’s contribution to this weekend is approximately 30%.

Do you have any questions about this Newsletter?

You can contact us via: jubileum@morrisminorclub.nl

We are looking forward to seeing you at our anniversary activities.

Yours sincerely,

Organising committee 50th anniversary MMCN,

       Mariëlle Schoenmakers, Theo Andriessen, Roel Hogervorst,

       Henk Bannink, Henk Meijer, Hans Galesloot, Gerard Molenkamp.

       English texts website and flyers: Chris Linford.

       Webmasters: Harm Lodewijk, Jeroen van Nuland, Ton van der Vorm Lucardie.

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